ESP_IOT v2.5
IOT ESP Coding
M5 UserMenus

M5 short status definitions: If highlighted item is on or connected vs off/disconnected

W=WIFI Connected to Wifi
M=MQTT Connected to MQTT (ie cloud account)
B=BUZZER ?? this for the buzzer in the Mini?
C=CONNECTED Connected to BLE server (either Gen 3 or Mini)
A=AP MODE M5 is in AP mode for WiFi credential setup
T=TILT M5 is in TILT mode
S=SLEEP M5 is Sleep mode ??

The following section is an outline of the menu functions only. created: 4/20/2022 Wes Anderson

The Mini Clicker(M5) roles (table 1)

MQTT Status BLE Status Role
connected connected Gen 3 1. HUB
disconnected connected Mini or Gen 3 2. BLE Mini Clicker (local)
connected disconnected 3. MQTT Mini Clicker (web)

Role descriptions:

  1. HUB. Feed commands originate on the are inbound from the Wifi and pass to the Gen 3 feeder via BLE. Hub role does NOT apply to Mini.
  2. BLE Mini Clicker. User initates feed commands on the Mini Clicker via pushbutton or TILT sensor which pass to Gen 3 or Mini via BLE. WiFi is inactive in this role
  3. MQTT Mini Clicker. User initates feed commands on the Mini Clicker via pushbutton or TILT sensor which pass to Gen 3 or Mini via WiFi/MQTT

M5StickC-Plus buttons

  • Button A - big button on face of M5
    • Quick press : FEED
    • Long press : reset treat counter
  • Button B - Small button on right side of M5
  • Power Button - ONLY for power on/off

Mini Clicker Menu

  • *Mini Clicker* (-------—home screen------—)
    • #Treats = *xx* (xx= counter reset to 15 treats)
    • TILT (TiLT shows if on else does not show)
    • VOC (VOC shows if voice activated is on else does not show) FUTURE
    • HUB (HUB shows if role=hub else does not show)
    • Battery% *xx* (% remaining)
    • BLE-OK WIFI-OK MQTT-OK (status for each ?=searching, OK=Connected, X=Disconnected )

*long press button B* (opens next level menu)

  • *Settings* (-------—settings screen button A left/right button B up/down------—)
    • Buzzer: *Enabled* *Disabled*
    • BLE: *Enabled* *Disabled*
    • WIFI: *Enabled* *Disabled*
    • Credentials: *Reset* *Keep*
    • Sleep: *Enabled* *Disabled*

Link to Google Doc mockups

Imaage of M5StickC-Plus image