ESP_IOT v2.5
IOT ESP Coding
MainModule.cpp File Reference
Include dependency graph for MainModule.cpp:

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 global for others to use.. More...
#define CALLBACKS_MQTT   0


typedef void(* callbackSignature) (char *)


void readPreferences_mainModule ()
 MainModule More...
void stopProcessesForOTAUpdate_mainModule ()
 stop all loops... while OTA working.. More...
void restartProcessesForOTAUpdate_mainModule ()
 restart all loops... while OTA working.. More...
boolean stopAllProcesses_mainModule ()
 if stopped More...
void initGlobals_mainModule ()
 init globals strings More...
void setup_mainModule ()
 called from the setup() More...
void loop_mainModule ()
 called for the loop() of this plugin More...
int feedCountMax_mainModule ()
 returns the max for this feeder More...
int getFeedCount_mainModule ()
 feedcount info.. More...
int getFeederType_mainModule ()
 get the feeder type (Sepper 1,2,3 ...) More...
void incrementFeedCount_mainModule ()
 increments .. and if MAX goes to 0 – and sends a message on MQTT More...
void resetFeedCount_mainModule ()
 sets the feed count max More...
bool containsSubstring (String message, String substring)
 check if the string contains the other string. This is a poor man's grammer checker More...
void registerCallbackMain (int callbacksModuleId, int callbackType, void(*callback)(char *))
 register the callback based on the callbackType. use the callbacksModuleId for which one.. More...
void callCallbackMain (int callbacksModuleId, int callbackType, char *message)
 performs the indirect callback based on the callbackType More...
void dummyCallbackMain (char *message)
 example callback More...
callbackSignaturecreateMemory (int max)
 return dyamically created array of max More...
void initCallbacksMain ()
 init the callbacks to dummy callbacks More...
void feedMessageCallback (char *message)
void main_credentialsUpdated ()
 moved here 4.25.22 (entirely from ESP_IOT.ino) More...
void onBLEServerCallback (char *message)
 The callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'. More...
void onStatusMessageBLEServerCallback (char *message)
 The callback for "status messages" of the bluetooth. More...
void onWriteBLEServerCallbackFinish (char *message)
 The FINISH of callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'. More...
void onWriteBLEServerCallback (char *message)
 The callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'. More...
void takePicture_MainModule ()
 take a picture (calls the camera module).. what to do with picture??? TODO More...
void refreshDelayButtonTouched_MainModule ()
 called by the feed operation to say the device is still running.. and count it as a button click. More...
boolean asyncCallOTAUpdate ()
 performs an async OTA update More...
void setAsyncCallOTAUpdate (bool flag)
 sets the async OTA flag (for next loop) More...
char * getPairedDevice_mainModule ()
 returns if the paired device is not NONE More...
char * getPairedDeviceAddress_mainModule ()
 returns if the paired device is not NONE More...
boolean isValidPairedDevice_mainModule ()
 returns if the paired device is not NONE. Note, the paired Name might be an address now (see below) More...
char * getPairedDeviceOrAddress_mainModule ()
 returns if the paired device is not NONE .. returns address or device More...
char * deviceName_mainModule ()
 gets the device name More...
void rebootDevice_mainModule ()
void poweroff_mainModule ()
 power off More...
void cleanEpromPreferences ()
 cleans the EPROM More...
char * main_JSONStringForWIFICredentials ()
 retrieve a JSON string for the ssid and ssid_password: {'ssid':<ssid>,'ssidPassword':<pass>"} More...
char * main_nextJSONWIFICredential ()
 ! cycle through the next WIFI saved credential More...
void main_saveWIFICredentials (char *ssid, char *ssid_password)
 save the WIFI credential More...
void main_cleanSavedWIFICredentials ()
 clean the saved WIFI credential, otherwise the AP mode doesn't work (6.3.22) More...
void main_updateMQTTInfo (char *ssid, char *ssid_password, char *username, char *password, char *guestPassword, char *deviceName, char *host, char *port, char *locationString)
 sets the WIFI and MQTT user/password. It's up to the code (below, maybe in future a register approach) to decide who needs to know More...
void initAsyncCallFlags ()
 initialize the async call flags (with and without parameters) More...
void main_dispatchAsyncCommand (int asyncCallCommand)
 checks if any async commands are in 'dispatch' mode, and if so, invokes them, and sets their flag to false More...
void main_dispatchAsyncCommandWithString (int asyncCallCommand, char *parameter)
void invokeAsyncCommands ()
 checks if any async commands are in 'dispatch' mode, and if so, invokes them, and sets their flag to false More...
void blinkMessageCallback (char *message)
 callback for blinking led More...
void solidLightMessageCallback (char *message)
 callback for SOLID blinking led More...
void cleanSSID_EPROM_MessageCallback (char *message)
 clean the SSID eprom (MQTT_CLEAN_SSID_EPROM) More...
void singleClickTouched (char *whichButton)
void solidLightOnOff (boolean onOff)
 callback for SOLID blinking led More...
void main_printModuleConfiguration ()
char * createCopy (char *stringA)
boolean isEmptyString (char *stringA)
 informs if null or empty string More...
boolean startsWithChar (char *str, char c)
 a char* version of startsWith (after skipping spaces) More...
float getBatPercentage_mainModule ()
 start of the sensor updates ... TODO: tie these to the MQTT messaging as well.. More...
void sendMessageString_mainModule (char *messageString)
 adding a synchronous call to send a message over the network (assuming MQTT but not specified), this tacks on {device} and {t:time} More...
float getTemperature_mainModule ()
 retrieves the temperature . More...


boolean _stopAllProcessing = false
 testing.. More...
char _asyncParameter [500]
 the parameter being sent to those commands passing an argument More...
char _JSONStringForWIFICredentials [200]
 global to store credentials when ever they are stored.. More...
char _messageStorage [MESSAGE_STORAGE_MAX]
char _fullStatusString [300]
 status string (URL query format) More...
char _smMode_MainModule [10]
 current smMode More...
char _deviceNameSave [50]
 saved deviceName storage.. More...
boolean _waitingForBigMessageEnd = false
 store a big message #MSG_START .. #MSG_END More...
char _bigMessage [500]
char _connectedBLEDeviceName [50]
 saved BLE connected name 8.26.22 More...
char _fullBLEDeviceName [100]
 full: ""Name: PTFeeder:HowieFeeder, Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead" More...
char _connectedBLEDeviceAddress [50]
 full: ""Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead" More...
int _mainLoopCounter = 0
 a couinter to slow down the loop doing things.. More...
int _feedCount_mainModule = 0
 5.3.22 added a feed count approach.. (NOTE: there is a _feedCount in Dispence.cpp ... and no linker error!!! ) More...
int _callbacksFunctionsMAXS [CALLBACKS_MODULE_MAX]
 the array of callback functions More...
boolean _callbacksInitializedMain = false
 flag for initializing if not yes More...
callbackSignature_allCallbacks [CALLBACKS_MODULE_MAX]
 array of known size (CALLBACKS_MODULE_MAX) of callbackSignatures More...
boolean _asyncCallOTAUpdateFlag = false
 3.28.22 .. implemented in ESP_IOT.ino More...
boolean _asyncCallFlags [ASYNC_CALL_MAX]
 storage for asyncCallCommands More...
boolean _asyncCallFlagsParameters [ASYNC_CALL_PARAMETERS_MAX]
 array of async flags for the different ASYNC_CALl values More...
char * _ON_LIGHT = (char*)"ON"
char * _OFF_LIGHT = (char*)"OFF"


NEW: 4.30.22 returns a string in JSON format, such that {'battery':'84'}, {'buzzon':'off'} .. etc as a URL:

char * _lastSemanticMarkerDocFollow = NULL
int _saveWhichSMMode = 0
 the saved SMMode More...
boolean _connecteBLEisGEN3 = false
 whether connected GEN3 More...
char * main_currentStatusJSON ()
 returns a string in JSON format, such that {'battery':'84'}, {'buzzon':'off'} .. etc More...
void addStatusStringFlag (const char *key, char *val)
 adds a query string "&key=value" More...
void addStatusBooleanFlag (const char *key, boolean flag)
 adds to _fullStatusString a query string "&key=value" More...
void addMoreStatusQueryString ()
char * main_currentStatusURL ()
 returns a string in in URL so: status?battery=84'&buzzon='off' } .. etc More...
void setSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule (char *SMDocFollowAddress)
 sed the address to follow More...
char * getSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule ()
 gets the semanticAddress SemanticMarker™ More...
void sendSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule (const char *SMDocFollowAddress)
 sends the SM on the DOCFOLLOW channel (publish it..) More...
void processClientCommandChar_mainModule (char cmd)
 single character version of processClientCommand (since many used that already) More...
int getTimeStamp_mainModule ()
int whichSMMode_mainModule (char *cmd)
 ************** SM Mode Processing *************** More...
boolean matchesSMMode_mainModule (char *cmd, int whichSMMode)
 returns if a match the mode. whichSMMode is 0..12 and == sm0 .. smn More...
char * charSMMode_mainModule (int whichSMMode)
 returns string form whichSMMode, sg "sm0", sm1 ... More...
boolean isMinimalMenuMode_mainModule ()
 returns which mode in (min or expanded) More...
void toggleMinimalMenuMode_mainModule ()
 toggles the menu mode More...
int minMenuModesMax_mainModule ()
 returns the current max of the MIN menu modes (using the setting of min or expanded) to determine More...
int maxMenuModes_mainModule ()
 returns the current max of the menu modes (using the setting of min or expanded) to determine More...
void setCurrentSMMode_mainModule (int whichSMMode)
 sets the current screen mode .. which can be used by Button and Display processing More...
int getCurrentSMMode_mainModule ()
 returns the current SM Mode More...
void incrementSMMode_mainModule ()
 increment the currentSMMode, wrapping and using the max menu More...
void decrementSMMode_mainModule ()
 increment the currentSMMode, wrapping and using the max menu More...
char * getFullBLEDeviceName_mainModule ()
 full: ""Name: PTFeeder:HowieFeeder, Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead" More...
boolean connectedBLEDeviceIsGEN3_mainModule ()
 whether the connected is a GEN3 (so the name isn't valid) More...
void setConnectedBLEDevice_mainModule (char *deviceName, boolean isGEN3)
char * connectedBLEDeviceName_mainModule ()
 returns the connected BLE Device name (the :NAME of advertisment, Address: 01:39:3f:33 part of name, or "" if nothing (not null) More...
char * connectedBLEDeviceNameAddress_mainModule ()
 returns address part of name. More...
void buttonA_ShortPress_mainModule ()
void buttonA_LongPress_mainModule ()
 long press on buttonA (top button) More...
void buttonB_LongPress_mainModule ()
 the long press of the side button More...
void buttonB_ShortPress_mainModule ()
 the short press of the side button More...
void restartAllMenuStates_mainModule ()
 restarts all the menu states to the first one .. useful for getting a clean start. This doesn't care if the menu is being shown More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 223 of file MainModule.cpp.



Definition at line 224 of file MainModule.cpp.



Definition at line 222 of file MainModule.cpp.



Definition at line 237 of file MainModule.cpp.



Definition at line 238 of file MainModule.cpp.



Definition at line 236 of file MainModule.cpp.



make sure these are the number of callbacks.. 0..n These values are from the respective .h of the modules

Definition at line 235 of file MainModule.cpp.


#define CALLBACKS_MQTT   0

New RegisterCallback that works across a number of callback modules


Definition at line 221 of file MainModule.cpp.



global for others to use..

Definition at line 35 of file MainModule.cpp.





Typedef Documentation

◆ callbackSignature

typedef void(* callbackSignature) (char *)

Definition at line 262 of file MainModule.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ addMoreStatusQueryString()

void addMoreStatusQueryString ( )

sets the "Module Status" in queryString == name=val&name=val ...

value of WIFI connected

not done is what we look for ..

add a bleS=PTFeeder:name

show Z for buZZ

show G for gateway

P = paired

Definition at line 1606 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addStatusBooleanFlag()

void addStatusBooleanFlag ( const char *  key,
boolean  flag 

adds to _fullStatusString a query string "&key=value"

Definition at line 1599 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addStatusStringFlag()

void addStatusStringFlag ( const char *  key,
char *  val 

adds a query string "&key=value"

TODO: fix syntax. If just sensor sensor status: .... not working just added Z=on/off length = 157 going to remove the username/password to shorten..

Definition at line 1592 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ asyncCallOTAUpdate()

boolean asyncCallOTAUpdate ( )

performs an async OTA update

Definition at line 546 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ blinkMessageCallback()

void blinkMessageCallback ( char *  message)

callback for blinking led

Definition at line 1226 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buttonA_LongPress_mainModule()

void buttonA_LongPress_mainModule ( )

long press on buttonA (top button)

Definition at line 2245 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buttonA_ShortPress_mainModule()

void buttonA_ShortPress_mainModule ( )

BUTTON PROCESSING abstraction short press on buttonA (top button)

Definition at line 2238 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buttonB_LongPress_mainModule()

void buttonB_LongPress_mainModule ( )

the long press of the side button

Definition at line 2252 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buttonB_ShortPress_mainModule()

void buttonB_ShortPress_mainModule ( )

the short press of the side button

Definition at line 2259 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ callCallbackMain()

void callCallbackMain ( int  callbacksModuleId,
int  callbackType,
char *  message 

performs the indirect callback based on the callbackType

Definition at line 333 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ charSMMode_mainModule()

char * charSMMode_mainModule ( int  whichSMMode)

returns string form whichSMMode, sg "sm0", sm1 ...

returns string form whichSMMode, sg "sm0", sm1 ... This can (and is) called by multiple places (like ButtonProcessing and MainModule

Definition at line 2010 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanEpromPreferences()

void cleanEpromPreferences ( )

cleans the EPROM


Definition at line 638 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanSSID_EPROM_MessageCallback()

void cleanSSID_EPROM_MessageCallback ( char *  message)

clean the SSID eprom (MQTT_CLEAN_SSID_EPROM)

call the already defined solid led defined in Dispense.cpp

clean_SSID_WIFICredentials(); now register an async call..

Definition at line 1260 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ connectedBLEDeviceIsGEN3_mainModule()

boolean connectedBLEDeviceIsGEN3_mainModule ( )

whether the connected is a GEN3 (so the name isn't valid)

whether the connected is a GEN3 (so the name isn't valid).

Definition at line 2109 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ connectedBLEDeviceName_mainModule()

char * connectedBLEDeviceName_mainModule ( )

returns the connected BLE Device name (the :NAME of advertisment, Address: 01:39:3f:33 part of name, or "" if nothing (not null)

ISSUE: if BLE, can only return the address.. it's up to the caller to know it might not match the Paired Name (eg DukeGEN3) returns the connected BLE Device name (the :NAME of advertisment, Address: 01:39:3f:33 part of name

Definition at line 2194 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ connectedBLEDeviceNameAddress_mainModule()

char * connectedBLEDeviceNameAddress_mainModule ( )

returns address part of name.

Definition at line 2219 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ containsSubstring()

bool containsSubstring ( String  message,
String  substring 

check if the string contains the other string. This is a poor man's grammer checker

check if the string contains the other string (if substring is "" then no match)

Definition at line 196 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createCopy()

char * createCopy ( char *  stringA)

If nil it create one with just the null, so strlen = 0 NOTE: the strdup() might be used later..

Definition at line 1431 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createMemory()

callbackSignature * createMemory ( int  max)

return dyamically created array of max

Definition at line 266 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ decrementSMMode_mainModule()

void decrementSMMode_mainModule ( )

increment the currentSMMode, wrapping and using the max menu

Definition at line 2083 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ deviceName_mainModule()

char * deviceName_mainModule ( )

gets the device name

Definition at line 607 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dummyCallbackMain()

void dummyCallbackMain ( char *  message)

example callback

Definition at line 242 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ feedCountMax_mainModule()

int feedCountMax_mainModule ( )

returns the max for this feeder

Definition at line 137 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ feedMessageCallback()

void feedMessageCallback ( char *  message)

example callback: but the scope would have the pCharacteristic defined, etc.. This is passed just before the setupMQTTNetworking() is called..

sends this single character to the StepperModule

increment the feed count .. TODO .. see if this is good place..

the FEED was send over MQTT, now what to do? WIth the StepperModule – it just performs the feeding internalls if using the BLE_CLIENT then we have the potential to send to over BLE to the server (another feeder, GEN3 or ESP32). The issue is that ESP32 feeders are receiving the same MQTT message (usually unless MQTT turned off So the gatewayMode can be set (or in the EPROM) using {'cmd':'gatewayOn'}

Definition at line 352 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBatPercentage_mainModule()

float getBatPercentage_mainModule ( )

start of the sensor updates ... TODO: tie these to the MQTT messaging as well..

Definition at line 1475 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentSMMode_mainModule()

int getCurrentSMMode_mainModule ( )

returns the current SM Mode

Definition at line 2065 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFeedCount_mainModule()

int getFeedCount_mainModule ( )

feedcount info..

Definition at line 155 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFeederType_mainModule()

int getFeederType_mainModule ( )

get the feeder type (Sepper 1,2,3 ...)

Definition at line 161 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFullBLEDeviceName_mainModule()

char * getFullBLEDeviceName_mainModule ( )

full: ""Name: PTFeeder:HowieFeeder, Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead"

returns full name and address, and service.

Definition at line 2093 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPairedDevice_mainModule()

char * getPairedDevice_mainModule ( )

returns if the paired device is not NONE

Definition at line 557 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPairedDeviceAddress_mainModule()

char * getPairedDeviceAddress_mainModule ( )

returns if the paired device is not NONE

Definition at line 563 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPairedDeviceOrAddress_mainModule()

char * getPairedDeviceOrAddress_mainModule ( )

returns if the paired device is not NONE .. returns address or device

Definition at line 588 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule()

char * getSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule ( )

gets the semanticAddress SemanticMarker™

get the latest semantic marker for doc follow

Definition at line 1706 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ getTemperature_mainModule()

float getTemperature_mainModule ( )

retrieves the temperature .

retrieves the temperature in F.

Definition at line 1514 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTimeStamp_mainModule()

int getTimeStamp_mainModule ( )

On the esp32, sec is all we can handle. We can return as a double if milisecond resolution is needed. This is the time since app started..

Definition at line 1965 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incrementFeedCount_mainModule()

void incrementFeedCount_mainModule ( )

increments .. and if MAX goes to 0 – and sends a message on MQTT

NOTE: don't send "feed" as it might trigger a FEED ...

called by the feed operation to say the device is still running.. and count it as a button click. Issue #145 8.8.22

Definition at line 168 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incrementSMMode_mainModule()

void incrementSMMode_mainModule ( )

increment the currentSMMode, wrapping and using the max menu

Definition at line 2071 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initAsyncCallFlags()

void initAsyncCallFlags ( )

initialize the async call flags (with and without parameters)

storage for asyncCallCommands

Definition at line 770 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initCallbacksMain()

void initCallbacksMain ( )

init the callbacks to dummy callbacks

only place for #ifdef (NOTE some can be 0 based on the #ifdef module not being included..

Definition at line 280 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initGlobals_mainModule()

void initGlobals_mainModule ( )

init globals strings

NOTE: this is definitely needed, as grabbing strings willy nilly can bomb or corrupt stuff..

Definition at line 55 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invokeAsyncCommands()

void invokeAsyncCommands ( )

checks if any async commands are in 'dispatch' mode, and if so, invokes them, and sets their flag to false

The FINISH of callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'

now process those that don't have a string parameter

register the 2 callbacks for now..

this is a sending of the message

9.30.22 IF SET .. send a feed but to all devices except ours and our pair (if any) uses new wildcard syntax either ! OUR NAME [ & ! OUR_CONNECTED_NAME

set the persistence (Note, this is locally saved. If sending elsewhere .. then they have to set their value)

OK: issue. if we are an ESP feeder, the STEPPER is on .. so we're good, if an M5 - then either send over BLE or MQTT

we are not BLE_CLIENT .. so local

setGatewayOn/Off called from the processJSON message in MQTT or via the EPROM setting (TODO)

sends the status from the main module URL

NO MORE: sendDocFollowMessageMQTT(statusURL);

These are the ASYNC_CALL_PARAMETERS_MAX NO: just change our credentials ...

Restarts (or attempts) a restart of the WIFI using the existing credentials – vs the 'n' command

Definition at line 829 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isEmptyString()

boolean isEmptyString ( char *  stringA)

informs if null or empty string

if an empty string

Definition at line 1440 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isMinimalMenuMode_mainModule()

boolean isMinimalMenuMode_mainModule ( )

returns which mode in (min or expanded)

Definition at line 2020 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isValidPairedDevice_mainModule()

boolean isValidPairedDevice_mainModule ( )

returns if the paired device is not NONE. Note, the paired Name might be an address now (see below)

returns if the paired device is not NONE

Definition at line 569 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loop_mainModule()

void loop_mainModule ( )

called for the loop() of this plugin

only do this menu update if there is no DisplayModule running the MVC loop

9.2.22 new .. update the timer. This is on blank screen as well .. so don't check _semanticMarkerShown

Definition at line 114 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_cleanSavedWIFICredentials()

void main_cleanSavedWIFICredentials ( )

clean the saved WIFI credential, otherwise the AP mode doesn't work (6.3.22)

go through the saved WIFI credentials and empty them with "" (vs null)

cannot null but can make stringlen=0

Definition at line 726 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ main_credentialsUpdated()

void main_credentialsUpdated ( )

moved here 4.25.22 (entirely from ESP_IOT.ino)

new 4.8.22 .. trying to kick out of AP mode if the credentials are good..

April 8, 2022 set that the credentials are set. Called from the MQTT after processJSONMessage() found things were good..

Definition at line 392 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_currentStatusJSON()

char * main_currentStatusJSON ( )

returns a string in JSON format, such that {'battery':'84'}, {'buzzon':'off'} .. etc

Sample format: {"status": [ { "BLE": "on" }, { "numfeeds": "8", "maxfeeds": "16" }, { "battery": "87" }, { "buzzon": "on" }, { "MQTT": "on" }, { "WIFI": "on" }, { "AP": "off" }, { "tilt": "55" } ] }

Definition at line 1577 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ main_currentStatusURL()

char * main_currentStatusURL ( )

returns a string in in URL so: status?battery=84'&buzzon='off' } .. etc

returns a string in in URL so: status&battery=84'&buzzon='off' } .. etc

TODO: make sure no spaces ... unless escaped

TODO: put these somewhere somehow (expandable easily..architecturally. eg. setStatus("battery","87") key,val the JSON DB supports db["battery"]=87 like syntax..

Definition at line 1655 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_dispatchAsyncCommand()

void main_dispatchAsyncCommand ( int  asyncCallCommand)

checks if any async commands are in 'dispatch' mode, and if so, invokes them, and sets their flag to false

dispatches a call to the command specified. This is run on the next loop()

this just sets the flag, it's the next loop that makes the call

Definition at line 789 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_dispatchAsyncCommandWithString()

void main_dispatchAsyncCommandWithString ( int  asyncCallCommand,
char *  parameter 

send an async call with a string parameter. This will set store the value and then async call the command (passing the parameter) These are the ASYNC_CALL_PARAMETERS_MAX

store in the parameter mailbox

this just sets the flag, it's the next loop that makes the call

Definition at line 807 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_JSONStringForWIFICredentials()

char * main_JSONStringForWIFICredentials ( )

retrieve a JSON string for the ssid and ssid_password: {'ssid':<ssid>,'ssidPassword':<pass>"}

Definition at line 663 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_nextJSONWIFICredential()

char * main_nextJSONWIFICredential ( )

! cycle through the next WIFI saved credential

! cycle through the next WIFI saved credential - return next one that isn't our current one..


jump out of loop if no match.. so index is valid

Definition at line 669 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_printModuleConfiguration()

void main_printModuleConfiguration ( )

prints the module configuration by looking at #defines Eventually this might be an object returned letting the code know a capability is included for runtime (vs compile time) decisions

Module Configuration

[x] ESP_32




and print any preferences to show

Definition at line 1316 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_saveWIFICredentials()

void main_saveWIFICredentials ( char *  ssid,
char *  ssid_password 

save the WIFI credential

store the JSON version of these credentials..

look for an non matching slot.. if none, then use the first

jump out of loop if no match.. so index is valid, or NONE (which is the placeholder)

save in chosen index

Definition at line 696 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_updateMQTTInfo()

void main_updateMQTTInfo ( char *  ssid,
char *  ssid_password,
char *  username,
char *  password,
char *  guestPassword,
char *  deviceName,
char *  host,
char *  port,
char *  locationString 

sets the WIFI and MQTT user/password. It's up to the code (below, maybe in future a register approach) to decide who needs to know

sets the WIFI and MQTT user/password. It's up to the code to decide who needs to know (currently this calls APmodule..)

store the device name

store the JSON version of these credentials..

Definition at line 741 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ matchesSMMode_mainModule()

boolean matchesSMMode_mainModule ( char *  cmd,
int  whichSMMode 

returns if a match the mode. whichSMMode is 0..12 and == sm0 .. smn

Definition at line 2003 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ maxMenuModes_mainModule()

int maxMenuModes_mainModule ( )

returns the current max of the menu modes (using the setting of min or expanded) to determine

Definition at line 2038 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ minMenuModesMax_mainModule()

int minMenuModesMax_mainModule ( )

returns the current max of the MIN menu modes (using the setting of min or expanded) to determine

Definition at line 2032 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onBLEServerCallback()

void onBLEServerCallback ( char *  message)

The callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'.

Definition at line 404 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ onStatusMessageBLEServerCallback()

void onStatusMessageBLEServerCallback ( char *  message)

The callback for "status messages" of the bluetooth.

** The callback for "status messages" of the bluetooth

2.2.22 send this over bluetooth.. TODO.

Definition at line 411 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onWriteBLEServerCallback()

void onWriteBLEServerCallback ( char *  message)

The callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'.

send an async call with a string parameter. This will set store the value and then async call the command (passing the parameter) These are the ASYNC_CALL_PARAMETERS_MAX

Definition at line 511 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onWriteBLEServerCallbackFinish()

void onWriteBLEServerCallbackFinish ( char *  message)

The FINISH of callback for "onWrite" of the bluetooth "onWrite'.

client never sends these wrapped messages of length 1, so process normally.. gets us out of potential infinite wait

we are done.. send big message to ourself..

Issue: the message is arriving via BLE, but if we call the MQTT process, it might call us back to send the message over BLE. This hangs things up! So short optimization for 'feed' will be to look for cmd and feed in message {cmd:feed} 8.19.22 issue #162

the MQTTNetwork.processJSONMessage() will return true if the message was JSON and was processes, false otherwise.

processed by the MQTTNetworking code..

perform feed...

look for ** sensor commands..

Definition at line 420 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ poweroff_mainModule()

void poweroff_mainModule ( )

power off

Definition at line 623 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ processClientCommandChar_mainModule()

void processClientCommandChar_mainModule ( char  cmd)

single character version of processClientCommand (since many used that already)

Keep ProcessClientCmd short to let the callback run. instead change the feeder state flag processes a message that might save in the EPROM.. the cmd is still passed onto other (like the stepper module)

the sentToStepper is only needed if there are 'actions' on the command, versus just setting persistent EPROM data. Like feed, buzzer, etc.. Thus we don't need to know much of their implementation.. or we just pass anyway!

only process things that are stored persistently..

start timer..

start timer..

dispatches a call to the command specified. This is run on the next loop()

dispatches a call to the command specified. This is run on the next loop()

dispatches a call to the command specified. This is run on the next loop()

NOTE: the gateway is auto selected for now. A future version might manually set it in other situations (eg. my iPhone app should have a flag to not be a gateway at time)


NOTE: this is almost the same as 'w' except there might be more WIFI than 2 (so swap is different).

Restarts (or attempts) a restart of the WIFI using the existing credentials – vs the 'n' command

if set, the BLE Server (like PTFeeder) will tack on the device name (or none if not defined).

if set, the BLE Server (like PTFeeder) will tack on the device name (or none if not defined).

print out stuff

Definition at line 1723 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ readPreferences_mainModule()

void readPreferences_mainModule ( )


reads the preferences. Save is everytime the savePreference is called


clean the cached, and initialize what are cached..

intiialize the preferences arrays from EPROM. This also updates the defaults BUT: the caches below are from the value retrieved (and defult if need be)

start the read-write of the EPROM

check some of the boolean ones to cache .. so don't have to go to the EPROM everytime..


Close the Preferences

set onbootPreferences

Definition at line 298 of file PreferencesController.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rebootDevice_mainModule()

void rebootDevice_mainModule ( )

power of devices reboot

Definition at line 616 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ refreshDelayButtonTouched_MainModule()

void refreshDelayButtonTouched_MainModule ( )

called by the feed operation to say the device is still running.. and count it as a button click.

called by the feed operation to say the device is still running.. and count it as a button click. Issue #145 8.8.22

calls the button processing control

Definition at line 536 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerCallbackMain()

void registerCallbackMain ( int  callbacksModuleId,
int  callbackType,
void(*)(char *)  callback 

register the callback based on the callbackType. use the callbacksModuleId for which one..

Definition at line 316 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetFeedCount_mainModule()

void resetFeedCount_mainModule ( )

sets the feed count max

Definition at line 190 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ restartAllMenuStates_mainModule()

void restartAllMenuStates_mainModule ( )

restarts all the menu states to the first one .. useful for getting a clean start. This doesn't care if the menu is being shown

restarts all the menu states to the first one .. useful for getting a clean start. This doesn't care if the menu is being shown

Definition at line 2267 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ restartProcessesForOTAUpdate_mainModule()

void restartProcessesForOTAUpdate_mainModule ( )

restart all loops... while OTA working..

Definition at line 16 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendMessageString_mainModule()

void sendMessageString_mainModule ( char *  messageString)

adding a synchronous call to send a message over the network (assuming MQTT but not specified), this tacks on {device} and {t:time}

NOTE: the # has to be there, otherwise the sendMessageMQTT ignores it..

send this message over MQTT

Definition at line 1500 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule()

void sendSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule ( const char *  SMDocFollowAddress)

sends the SM on the DOCFOLLOW channel (publish it..)

Definition at line 1713 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAsyncCallOTAUpdate()

void setAsyncCallOTAUpdate ( bool  flag)

sets the async OTA flag (for next loop)

Definition at line 551 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ setConnectedBLEDevice_mainModule()

void setConnectedBLEDevice_mainModule ( char *  deviceName,
boolean  isGEN3 

BLE Discovery Methods Connected to a BLE device with the advertised name. The syntax can include (PTFeeder:NAME) or just PTFeeder Being disconnected is already a flag isConnectedBLE ...

set the isGEN3 flag

now set the gateway based on if GEN3

seems device name = "Name: PTFeeder:HowieFeeder, Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead Note: the Address, eg "7c:9e:bd:48:af:92" is unique somehow.. lets use that to skip one.. parse out the 2nd half of name go past the : empty name (just PTFeeder) parse for the address too.. strcpy(_fullBLEDeviceName, deviceName); seems device name = "Name: PTFeeder:HowieFeeder, Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead Note: the Address, eg "7c:9e:bd:48:af:92" is unique somehow.. lets use that to skip one..

parse out the 2nd half of name

empty name (just PTFeeder)

Definition at line 2117 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCurrentSMMode_mainModule()

void setCurrentSMMode_mainModule ( int  whichSMMode)

sets the current screen mode .. which can be used by Button and Display processing

This is needed now as message from external (not button pressing) causes a state change, but the button processing isn't knowing about it... sets the current screen mode .. which can be used by Button and Display processing whichSMMode 0..SM_LAST

Definition at line 2051 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule()

void setSemanticMarkerDocFollow_mainModule ( char *  SMDocFollowAddress)

sed the address to follow

SemanticMarker events This would see a DOCFollow message, and set the value.. then SM10 can display it..

Definition at line 1699 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ setup_mainModule()

void setup_mainModule ( )

called from the setup()

added 9.29.22 to support wildcards #196

setup for the token parser (really just for testing) – an

init globals like strings (but nothing that needs preferences)

read the preferences from EPROM

must initialize the structs NOTE: this has to ber AFTER the preferences are read in..

a first time feature .. to get EPROM changed to a different default

7.12.22 {'dev':'m5",'cmd':'bleserveron'} or bleserveroff will work later.. #issue 117 .. turn off the BLE_Server for the M5

Definition at line 72 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ singleClickTouched()

void singleClickTouched ( char *  whichButton)

called on single click NOTE: with BLE_CLIENT_NETWORKING, the right button and top button send a BLE command for feeding..

for now, only send the FEED command via BLE_CLIENT if turned on. No reboot to AP mode yet..

Definition at line 1274 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ solidLightMessageCallback()

void solidLightMessageCallback ( char *  message)

callback for SOLID blinking led

call the already defined solid led defined in Dispense.cpp

Definition at line 1246 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ solidLightOnOff()

void solidLightOnOff ( boolean  onOff)

callback for SOLID blinking led

supports turning on the solid light..

call the already defined solid led defined in Dispense.cpp

Definition at line 1299 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startsWithChar()

boolean startsWithChar ( char *  str,
char  c 

a char* version of startsWith (after skipping spaces)

find first non space character, and if not '{' then return false

jump out if not a space, and 'i' will be the thing to look for

Definition at line 1455 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stopAllProcesses_mainModule()

boolean stopAllProcesses_mainModule ( )

if stopped

try to disconnect..

Definition at line 21 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stopProcessesForOTAUpdate_mainModule()

void stopProcessesForOTAUpdate_mainModule ( )

stop all loops... while OTA working..

Definition at line 11 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ takePicture_MainModule()

void takePicture_MainModule ( )

take a picture (calls the camera module).. what to do with picture??? TODO

Definition at line 528 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toggleMinimalMenuMode_mainModule()

void toggleMinimalMenuMode_mainModule ( )

toggles the menu mode

Definition at line 2026 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ whichSMMode_mainModule()

int whichSMMode_mainModule ( char *  cmd)

************** SM Mode Processing ***************

returns an index from 0..max of SM matching cmd, or -1 if none

Definition at line 1979 of file MainModule.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ _allCallbacks

array of known size (CALLBACKS_MODULE_MAX) of callbackSignatures

Definition at line 277 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _asyncCallFlags

boolean _asyncCallFlags[ASYNC_CALL_MAX]

storage for asyncCallCommands

3.21.22 these are to setup for the next time the main loop() runs to call these commands.. The implementation is hard coded in the ESP_IO.ino TODO: make this a registeration approach

Definition at line 764 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _asyncCallFlagsParameters

boolean _asyncCallFlagsParameters[ASYNC_CALL_PARAMETERS_MAX]

array of async flags for the different ASYNC_CALl values

Definition at line 766 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _asyncCallOTAUpdateFlag

boolean _asyncCallOTAUpdateFlag = false

3.28.22 .. implemented in ESP_IOT.ino

Definition at line 544 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _asyncParameter

char _asyncParameter[500]

the parameter being sent to those commands passing an argument

Definition at line 31 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _bigMessage

char _bigMessage[500]

Definition at line 46 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _callbacksFunctionsMAXS

int _callbacksFunctionsMAXS[CALLBACKS_MODULE_MAX]

the array of callback functions

the max of each module .. hard coded (or 0 if module not there)

Definition at line 256 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _callbacksInitializedMain

boolean _callbacksInitializedMain = false

flag for initializing if not yes

Definition at line 259 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _connecteBLEisGEN3

boolean _connecteBLEisGEN3 = false

whether connected GEN3

Definition at line 2107 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _connectedBLEDeviceAddress

char _connectedBLEDeviceAddress[50]

full: ""Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead"

Definition at line 52 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _connectedBLEDeviceName

char _connectedBLEDeviceName[50]

saved BLE connected name 8.26.22

Definition at line 48 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _deviceNameSave

char _deviceNameSave[50]

saved deviceName storage..

Definition at line 42 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _feedCount_mainModule

int _feedCount_mainModule = 0

5.3.22 added a feed count approach.. (NOTE: there is a _feedCount in Dispence.cpp ... and no linker error!!! )

Definition at line 135 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _fullBLEDeviceName

char _fullBLEDeviceName[100]

full: ""Name: PTFeeder:HowieFeeder, Address: 7c:9e:bd:48:af:92, serviceUUID: 0xdead"

Definition at line 50 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _fullStatusString

char _fullStatusString[300]

status string (URL query format)

Definition at line 38 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _JSONStringForWIFICredentials

char _JSONStringForWIFICredentials[200]

global to store credentials when ever they are stored..

Definition at line 33 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _lastSemanticMarkerDocFollow

char* _lastSemanticMarkerDocFollow = NULL

SemanticMarker events This would see a DOCFollow message, and set the value.. then SM10 can display it..

Definition at line 1697 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _mainLoopCounter

int _mainLoopCounter = 0

a couinter to slow down the loop doing things..

Definition at line 110 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _messageStorage

char _messageStorage[MESSAGE_STORAGE_MAX]

Definition at line 36 of file MainModule.cpp.


char* _OFF_LIGHT = (char*)"OFF"

Definition at line 1223 of file MainModule.cpp.


char* _ON_LIGHT = (char*)"ON"

Definition at line 1222 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _saveWhichSMMode

int _saveWhichSMMode = 0

the saved SMMode

Definition at line 2049 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _smMode_MainModule

char _smMode_MainModule[10]

current smMode

Definition at line 40 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _stopAllProcessing

boolean _stopAllProcessing = false


Definition at line 9 of file MainModule.cpp.

◆ _waitingForBigMessageEnd

boolean _waitingForBigMessageEnd = false

store a big message #MSG_START .. #MSG_END

Definition at line 45 of file MainModule.cpp.